The following is an RDLMMF complementary repost for informational purposes only. All @ retained by and for the UPCI.


The  United  Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) is a Oneness Pentecostal organization with churches, ministers, and members across the globe. With roots anchored firmly in the Bible and a vision for ministering to communities around the world, the UPCI embraces its mission to carry the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church.


The UPCI has been among the fastest-growing church organizations since it was formed in 1945 by the merger of the Pentecostal Church Incorporated and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. From 521 churches in 1945, the UPCI has grown to more than 42,000 churches (including preaching points), 41,000 credentialed ministers, and 5.3 million constituents worldwide. The UPCI currently has a presence in 197 of the world’s 210 nations, as well as 35 territories. The international fellowship consists of national organizations that are united as the Global Council of the UPCI, which is chaired by the general superintendent of the UPCI.


The UPCI emerged out of the Pentecostal movement that began with a Bible school in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901 and with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California, in 1906. It traces its organizational roots to 1916, when a large group of Pentecostal ministers began to unite around the teaching of the oneness of God and water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.


The governmental structure of the UPCI is basically congregational in that local churches are self-governing: the congregation elects its pastor and other leaders, owns its property, decides its budget, establishes its membership, and conducts all necessary business.


The general organization embraces a modified presbyterian system in that ministers meet in sectional, district, and general conferences to elect officials and to conduct business of the organization. The highest governing body of the UPCI is the General Conference, and between conferences it is governed by the Board of General Presbyters (General Board). Its chief officers are a general superintendent, a general secretary-treasurer, and two assistant general superintendents.


UPCI World Headquarters is located in Weldon Spring, Missouri, on the western edge of the St. Louis metropolitan area.  The headquarters building houses offices for its general officials and seven divisions.


Among the endorsed institutions of the UPCI are six Bible colleges, a Christian college, a graduate school, two training institutes, a children’s home, a residency for troubled young men, a ministry to those addicted to alcohol and other drugs, an adoption agency with a home for unwed mothers, a chaplaincy for prisoners, a radio ministry, an agency for community educational services, and an international relief agency. It also endorses chaplains to the military.

Ministries and Divisions

Ministry List A-Z

Children’s Ministries

B.R.E.A.D. Program
Children’s Disaster Relief Fund
Children’s Ministries Main
Children’s Ministry Association
Junior Bible Quizzing

Church Administration Ministries

Family Ministries Council
Men’s Ministries
Ministers Retirement Fund
Music Ministry
My Hope Radio
Points of Refuge
World Network of Prayer

Church Advancement

Building the Bridge Ministries
Church Advancement Main
Evangelismo Hispano
Multicultural Ministries
Single Adult Ministry
Spanish Evangelism Ministry
Women in Ministry Network

Division of Publications

Discipleship Now
Division of Publications Main
Link247 Student & Hyphen Digital Curriculum
Ministry Central
Pentecostal Life
Pentecostal Publishing House


Apostolic Bible Institute
Centro Teológico Ministerial
Christian Life College
Genesis Institute of Theology, Evangelism & Leadership
Indiana Bible College
North Texas Christian College
Northeast Christian College
Texas Bible College
Urshan College
Urshan Graduate School of Theology

Endorsed Ministries

Apostolic Chamber of Commerce
Center for Apostolic Counseling
Christian Service Training Institute
Compassion Services International
Impact Community
International Association of Apostolic Educators
Life in Focus Education
Lighthouse Ranch for Boys
Military Chaplaincy
National Apostolic Christian Leadership Conference
New Beginnings International Children’s & Family Services
Occupational Chaplains Association
Office of Education and Endorsement
Purpose Institute
Reach Out America
The Jesus Message
Tupelo Children’s Mansion

Global Missions

Associations in Missions (AIM)
Faith Promise
GATS – French
GATS – Spanish
Global Association of Theological Studies (GATS)
Global ConNEXTions
Global Missions Main
Missionary Kids Ministries
Next Steps
Student Stories
Veterans of Global Missions

Ladies Ministries

Ladies Ministries Main
Ladies Prayer International
More to Life
Mother’s Memorial
Today’s Christian Girl
Women of Worth

Multicultural Ministries (Church Advancement)

African Immigrant Ministry
All Nations Sunday
Amish-Mennonite Ministry
Burmese Evangelism Ministry
Chinese Evangelism Ministry
Deaf Evangelism Ministry
Filipino Evangelism Ministry
French Evangelism Ministry
Global Tracts
Gypsy Evangelism Ministry
Haitian Evangelism Ministry
Intracultural Missionaries
Jewish Relations
Korean Evangelism Ministry
Middle Eastern Ministry
Multicultural Ministries Main
Multicultural Summit
Native American Ministry
Portuguese Evangelism Ministry
Refugee and International Students Evangelism Network
Slavic Evangelism Ministry
South Asian Ministry
Southeast Asian Ministry
United Nations Ministry

North American Missions

Christian Prisoner Fellowship
Christmas for Christ
Church in a Day
Friends of American Missions
Metro Missions
North American Missions Main

Pentecostal Heritage Society

Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism
Order of the Faith
Pentecostal Heritage Society Main

Stewardship Group

Church Loan Fund
Legacy Group
Life Springs
Life, Gift, & Estate Planning
Stewardship Group Main
United Insurance Solutions
United Pentecostal Foundation

Youth Ministries

Apostolic Youth Corps
Campus Ministry International
North American Youth Congress
Project 7 (P7)
Senior Bible Quizzing
Sheaves for Christ
Youth Ministries Main
Youth Ministry Training Event
Church & Ministry Locator

The UPCI has thousands of churches across the United States and Canada. This Church and Ministry Locator will assist you in finding a local congregation as well as Bible colleges, campgrounds, and district offices.

The UPCI reserves all rights to the information on this site.