EPH 4:8-16 KJV
Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
Membership Levels
ALL MEMBERSHIPS are by invitation only by the Pastor and Board.
Membership Advancement
Membership Bylaws
Be it resolved that the Canadian Charity registered in the Province of Saskatchewan, in the town of Outlook known as the Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc, has created these membership levels to serve within the Foundation, the Church (Outlook Gospel Lighthouse) and all other divisions of the Foundation.
Associate members within the Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc. are divided into three subclasses:
Lifetime Foundation Members – Original incorporators of the Charity who hold a lifetime membership that can never be revoked but can be willed upon the death of a member to another Associate (Foundation) member, or they can resign due to relocation, age or infirmity naming their successor, who must be another Associate (Foundation) Member or Family member.
Special conditions – those holding Lifetime foundation membership status may have individual veto power over the corporation, and may hire and fire within the corporation, they may also hold professional positions and are also able to hold positions as directors within the corporation and may have signing authority.
Directors – Directors are individuals normally elected by a not-for-profit corporation’s members to supervise the management of the corporation.
Officers – Officers are individuals appointed by the corporation’s director(s) and may or may not be ratified by a member vote and who manage the daily affairs of the corporation.
Directors are limited to three to five positions within the foundation.
Foundation Members – are those members who have;
Signed the Foundation Doctrinal Covenant Agreement and meet the criteria as set forth in the membership criteria bylaws. Who have obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and been baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and have been filled with the Holy Ghost, and who hold to the holiness practices set out in the word of God, working out their own salvation with fear and trembling.
Who are committed to supporting the vision and purpose of the Foundation through their giving, their giftings, appointed ministry or office, or their volunteer work.
Able to hold senior level ministry positions within the Church and other divisions within the foundation and directors’ positions as per Canadian law.
Foundation Supporters – Supporting Member – Non-voting member but one who financially or prayerfully supports the foundation and can participate in online or community programs and ministries, may be from another church or organization.
Church Members
Special Conditions – Those who hold Senior Church Membership can vote on all matters concerning the church set forth by the Senior Pastor, (as per theocratic church government) and can hold offices within the church that may or may not be ratified by voting members.
Regular Church Members within the Outlook Gospel Lighthouse are divided into three subclasses:
Senior Church Member – Voting position, able to participate and hold entry level ministry positions within the church and other divisions of the Foundation. May be asked to become a Foundation member upon recommendation of the Pastor and Board.
Church Disciple Member – Non-voting – ratify only – but able to participate in all programs with in the church and other divisions of the Foundation. Upon recommendation of the pastor may be asked to take a Senior Church member position.
Supporting Member – Non-voting member but one who financially or prayerfully supports the church, or other divisions of the church, able to participate in online or community programs and ministries, may be from another church or organization.
All voting members must uphold the articles of faith and the constitution of the Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc. and have been saved according to the Apostles Doctrine and must have signed the Foundation Doctrinal Covenant Agreement.
Ministry Positions
Pulpit Ministry Open to Membership Level 2 or Higher
Apostle – one who has been sent out by the brethren to establish new works. An Ordained Apostolic Minister of the Gospel having completed all Ministerial training and ordained by the Foundational Board or a recognized Apostolic Body. i.e. – UPCI, ALJC, PAW
Senior Pastor – An Ordained Apostolic Minister of the Gospel having completed all Ministerial training and ordained by the Foundational Board or a recognized Apostolic Body. ie – UPCI, ALJC, PAW
Pastor – An Apostolic Minister of the Gospel having completed, all training and holding a General license by the Foundational Board or a recognized Apostolic Body. i.e.- UPCI, ALJC, PAW
Pastoral Assistant – Assistant to the Pastor, qualifications to be outlined by the Pastor, may or may not have a pulpit ministry.
Biblical Teacher and/or Educational Director – A teacher having completed training to the General licensing requirement of the Foundation, or a recognized Apostolic organization, or by special appointment by the Pastor or Board.
Evangelist – An Evangelist having completed training to the General licensing requirement of the Foundation, or a recognized Apostolic organization.
Other Ministries open to Membership Level 3 and Higher
Educational Director and Biblical Teacher – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
Local Ministerial License Training
Police Check
House Church Leaders and Biblical Spiritual Coach – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
RBD Introduction and Year One Discipleship Training Teacher
Christian Workers License Training
Police Check
Children’s Sunday School Teacher or Children’s Church Leader – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
Sunday school Teacher Training Course
Police Check
Online Evangelist – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
RBD Introduction and Year One Discipleship Training
Online Evangelistic Training
Care and Share Coordinator – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
Ministry to the Saints Bible Study
Police Check
Prayer Coordinator and Leader
An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
WNOP Training
Volunteer Positions open to Membership Level 4 and Higher
House Church Host – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
Police Check
Children’s Sunday School Teacher Helper– An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
Christian Workers License Training
Police Check
Church Discipleship Worker – An Apostolic, one who has successfully completed or currently enrolled in:
Spiritual House Cleaning 101
Exploring God’s Word
RBD Introduction
Involved in : Prayer walking, prayer driving, altar prayer worker, or corporate prayer, A Worshipper, Financial Supporter
Sharing their testimony and bringing visitors to church, evangelizing wherever they can, loving the church and community.
Care and Share Support Worker – open to Membership level 7 and up
Includes: Food distribution, Clothing distribution, Gardening and Grounds Upkeep
Maintenance and Kitchen help
Yard Sales, crafts, and encouragement
For volunteer responsibilities please see the current Pastor.