Individual and Home Spiritual Warfare and Prayer

Get Involved – Get a Burden



Starting a truely personal program of Spiritual Warfare and Prayer begins with knowledge and understanding – we encourage all to start here with the Spiritual Housecleaning Manual.





Personal Prayer Methods

The Tabernacle

Lessons 1- 4

Pastor Raymond Woodward


Pastor Raymond Woodward preaching part one of “House of Prayer” on Wednesday evening. July 8th, 2020.


The above is a epost for informational and training purposes only all @ retained by and for Capital Community Church, Fredericton. N.B.


This video Bible Study Series, is brought to us by

Sudbury UPC with Pastor Mitch McQuinn.

This dynamic Bible study teaches us the 4 Biblical Purposes of Speaking in Tongues

1) Speaking in Tongues are for a Sign


2) Speaking in Tongues are for Self – Edification


3) Speaking in Tongues are for Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare


4) Speaking in Tongues are for Edifying the Church – The Gift of Tongues








But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

John 4 23-24