Where do I go to find the real
Biblical Jesus?
Jesus Christ is one of the most powerful figures through all of history, his life, illegal trial and story of his death, burial, resurrections and assentation to heaven is known around the world, in every nation and throughout every culture.
To read the Biographies of Christ we begin with the Bible.
The Bible contains 66 books, authored by Almighty God as dictated to various men through out history.
Of these 66 books, 5 speak directly about the life of Christ they are:
The books of:
We encourage you to start with the book of Luke and Acts, Luke wrote both of these books under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and with much research. They flow together to make the history and the story of the Biblical Jesus and the Church easy to understand.
How do I respond?
Many people (millions) because of the compelling love story of how Almighty God robed himself in flesh and was born of a virgin, how he lived helping so many people – healing the sick, delivering those who were demon-possessed, raising the dead, and more… chose to believe in his death, burial, and resurrection (this is known as the Gospel or Good news), and to believe that the Lord came for one purpose and that was to save us from, sin, death and hell.
How do I become Biblically saved according to the Bible?
At this point, many being moved by this love will repent (turn away from things that hurt the Lord, to do things that please him) and at that point want to be saved as taught in the book of Acts.
Obeying the Gospel creates a new person, a new creature in Christ.
We refer to this as an Apostolic or Bible-believing Christian
What is a Bible-believing Christian?
A Bible Believing Christian is different from a “denominational” Christian such as: Catholic, Anglican, United, Lutheran, Baptist, Alliance, Trinitarian Pentecostal, Church of Christ, or other churches that most people are familiar with in their neighborhood.
No one is asking that you join a denominational church group.
When we speak of a Bible-believing Christian I’m speaking of someone who believes the Bible completely and bases all his beliefs on the Word of God; as opposed to denominational Christians who believe in creeds or an organization or the traditions of men that are held within these groups.
For a Bible Believing Christian, the Bible is the source of all doctrine (teaching) and practices. The caution here is that you must properly know how to apply the 66 books to your life; otherwise, you can actually do spiritual damage to yourself.
See Peter’s admonition to be cautious…
2 Pet 3:16 (KJV)
As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
To complete your understanding of salvation, or to be saved according to the Bible, you will need a Pastor or Evangelist to water baptize you in the Name of Jesus Christ.
To find a Pastor in your area please feel free to Contact Us Here
Also for further Salvation information – or to test and see if you are saved according to the Bible – take the test below
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Am I saved according to the Bible – test and see
This includes a short Bible Study as well