Greetings in the wonderful and matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
2023 proved to be a very powerful growth year for the Rev. D.L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc.
Your prayerful and financial support made it possible for us to continue the work of the Lord in many different areas all across the nation, your partnership means so much to us.
Looking Back, A Powerful Year of Growth:
We continue the work of the Outlook Gospel Lighthouse and Zion’s Spirit and Truth Tabernacle with new people hearing the Gospel of Christ and responding to the love and compassion of Christ
We have been blessed to see lives changed and others returning to the truth and seeking spiritual healing. The Spiritual Healing revival in Penobsquis resulted in 8 people being baptised in the beautiful name of Jesus Christ with one receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues and two life commitment ceremonies and one demon cast out.An excellent time was had by all.
Since the church’s affiliation with P.A.W. Canadian Council, we have been blessed with incredible fellowship and encouragement as we continue to meet and get to know the brethren.We are so looking forward to the Prairie Cry – A Spiritual Call to Worship and Restoration.
The Bible Camp, June 20-22, 2024, will be held on the historic McCrea Farm, a time of worship, praise, healing, and deliverance, with Bible Camp teacher Rev. Mitchell McQuinn and Camp Speaker Rev. Barrington Smith.
We encourage all to take part in the many conferences and evangelistic services being held across the nation this year.
Our online evangelism ministry has exploded with visitors and growth this year. with over 4 times the number of visitors over last year’s number. We rejoice to see – 95960 visitors taking advantage of the services offered.
The online and on the ground evangelism teams did an incredible job with both the Spiritual Heal Seminar and the Sudbury Outpouring helping with evangelistic tools and support and seeing many come to the Lord with a combined number of over 44 baptisms. To God be all the Glory!!
The Enroll to Grow Program continues to support unity within the Apostolic community and minister to all Apostolic Churches within Canada: ALJC, UPCI, PAW and Independent Apostolic Denominations, providing tools and support so they can easily create vibrant Evangelism Campaigns to evangelise their towns and cities.
ETG currently is serving every community in Canada with a population of over 2000, giving them access to either a local or online Pastor and information on salvation, prayer, and online services. through our website
We continue to support two international Missionaries and this year we also have brought into our fellowship, Bro. Richard Langlois and rejoice to see the work his ministry of encouragement is having on the Indigenous north. We have seen Sis, Faith Riley – Bell begin her new ministry online with incredible results and have seen the Lord birth a powerful evangelistic team across Canada, preparing many to go wherever the Lord calls. We covet everyone’s prayers for all.
We have mostly completed the upstairs renovations for the Lighthouse, creating a larger, more inviting sanctuary and new prayer, Bible study and fellowship coffee room. The downstairs is now being completed with the church universal manse, and the Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation offices and Fellowship Hall.
Looking Forward – New Projects
This year we are so excited about many projects currently underway.
1) Local – We have been asked to participate in the Outlook Town wide Worship service in May.
2) Provincially – We have been asked to help with the Saskatchewan Worship Service of all denominations in June at Mosaic Stadium.
3) Across Canada – We have been asked to participate in the Canadian Wide denominational 24/7 Prayer for Canada – with the expectation of leading Prayer Warriors from all denominations and creating a powerful Apostolic prayer group with this framework.
By God’s grace we prayerfully influence as many as we can, leading all into a deeper more powerful relationship with Christ, while preaching and promoting Biblical Salvation and Discipleship.
4) Enroll to Grow sponsored evangelism crusades,
Prairies Cry – A Call to Worship and Restoration
Bible Camp – June 20-22nd, 2023
We can’t thank you and yours enough for all your emotional and spiritual support, your prayers, and your continued financial support.
You make it possible to continue the work of the Lord through the Rev. D.L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc, and we ask that you prayerfully consider financially supporting any or all of the projects above.
Donations can be made through email money transfer here.
Again, we thank you so much and rejoice in all the Lord has done and we give God all the glory and praise due his name for the privilege of preaching and sharing the gospel of Christ online and in person across this great nation.
Please find attached your Tax Donation Receipt for the year of 2023, please check the receipt for accuracy and if there are any additions or omissions to be made, please email your corrections to – – directly. Thank you.
Sincerely and with much love and thanks,
Lois McQuinn
President and CEO of
The Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc.
1(306) 897-9193
The Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc. is a Registered Canadian Private Foundation, Apostolic in doctrine and Pentecostal in experience, whose purpose is devoted to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ through local and online ministries. while focusing on ministering to the saints and those in need.
Registration no.: 887918316 RR 0001
Charity status: Registered
Effective date of status:2002-03-11
Designation: Private foundation
For more information :
Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc.
P. O. Box 178
Outlook, SK
ATTN: Christine Anholt and/or Lois McQuinn
Please book phone appointments by email-