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Random Acts of Kindness

One of the things that made Rev. Don McQuinn so unique was the fact that he loved to help people, he even received letters and commendations for randomly helping others.
In his life time we have seen…
  1. Him shovel out the hospital’s parking lot in Sussex, N.B.
  2. Take the boots off his own feet to give to man who had holes in his boots. Tough when riding the motorcycle without proper breaks.
  3. Take his own hot meal off his kitchen table and drive it out to give to a man hitchhiking home to Newfoundland.
  4. Stop and change a tire for a Grandmother with kids in the van.
  5. Take the money out of his pocket to feed someone on the street.
  6. Give funds to missions that he could have used himself.
  7. Give drives to people who wanted to go to church, rarely did his car not have a crowd packed in.
  8. Take Christmas gifts to people in his neighborhood – who weren’t on his Christmas list
  9. Drive someone to a Doctor in a city an hour away
  10. Help preachers, with cash, encouragement and his hammer.
Over and over he helped so many in his life time. He even wrote a powerful collection of scriptures on what the Word of God says about giving…it changed his life and he preached it always.

Each March the Foundation is encouraging everyone to help others by preforming random acts of kindness, and do it in the name of Jesus. Helping others can bring so much joy, and continues Bro. McQuinn’s legacy…

Check out some great ideas how you can help others in your community…

Ministering to the Saints

Spiritual Warfare and Prayer for Canada


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The Outlook Gospel Lighthouse

Zion’s Spirit and Truth Tabernacle

Enroll To Grow – Online Ministries

Ministering to the Saints

Or  Our Ministry Partner

Rick Langlais Reflections

or leave blank for General Fund where needed.

 You can also donate through certified cheque by mailing to:

Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc.

P. O. Box 178

Outlook, SK

S0L 2N0

Our free Gift to You